Sunday, September 26, 2010

Driving in Cars with Tyler

"Mommy, what starts with T?"

"Tyler. And Tucker. And Tricia."

"What starts with M?"


"No, Mommy starts with T."

"No, Tricia does. Mommy starts with M."

"But Mommy is Tricia."

Um, right. Moving on.

"Mommy, what starts with W?"


"What starts with N?"


"What starts with Two?"

"Nothing. It's a number."

"But what starts with it?"

"Well, it starts with T."

"And what starts with octopus?"

A roundabout question.


"And what starts with Tucker?"

"What do you hear at the beginning?"

"I hear Tucker."

"It's T. T-T-T-Tucker."

"Oh. And what says W?"

Another roundabout.

"W says Wuh. Like, Wuh, wuh, Watermelon."

"Oh. Wuh. Like, Wuh, wuh, Tucker."

Right. Like that. Sort of.

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