Friday, May 8, 2009

And so, he is Two.

It's official: Tyler Jay is two years old.

In our family, we welcome a series of celebrations,
so we have completed Day One of his Festivities.

Every birthday boy needs a crown.

His brother needed a birthday crown, too. A pink one.

(At this point in their lives, I am all about teaching them to celebrate each other. After all, that's more fun than teaching them that birthdays are only fun for one. So, Tucker got a birthday crown too. His said: Today is my brother's birthday.)

Apparently, when it's your brother's birthday, your mother forgets to clean your face after breakfast. Nice.

I promised Tyler that he could have a birthday balloon, which meant of course that Tucker could have one too. So, we made an early field trip to the Dollar Store, where they could each choose a balloon for the day. Tucker chose one covered with Mickey Mouse and his friends. An easy choice.

Tyler? Not so much. As we were strolling to the balloon aisle, he snagged a hardback copy of Faith and Politics off the shelf. He wanted it. No thanks, balloon. I want a book. This book.

I'm really not kidding. This happened. Oh, how my young son loves faith and politics.
I'm glad he's listening to all our dinner conversations.
[Insert sarcasm.]

He threw a full-blown temper tantrum.

"No balloon! NO! Read a book!"

Nope. Sorry. Out of principle, I made him get the balloon. And he was none too pleased, as you can see.

He is so very much two.

So very much fun, so very much ours, so very much Tyler.

Happy Birthday, Tyler.

You are a walking smile.

A running,


up to no good,

bring on the trouble,


I'm so glad you belong to me.

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