Saturday, January 29, 2011


Be patient toward all that is unsolved in your heart,
and try to love the questions themselves.
Do not now seek the answers,
which cannot be given you
because you would not be able to live them.
And the point is to live everything.
Live the questions.

~ Rainer Maria Rilke


mercygraceword said...

Live the questions - that sure makes me think - but can I be doing that while I'm seeking the answer? Trusting the Answer of course.
Just wondering, thanks for posting this!


T Hunt said...

One of my absolute favorite quotations. We may be strangers, and I may not know at all what it is like to walk in the life you are living right now, but over and over your words echo pieces of my life and spirit. Thank you so much for writing them, and know that even I - a stranger - pray often for you and your family. God bless!

Terry said...

dear tricia...when i read your latest post, my heart was so touched...i have to tell you that i respect and honour you so much that i told one of my blog friends about you several days ago ..she is also a christian author and has written journals and novels....
i am copying and pasting her reply to me and i hope your don't mind...
i am using a much earlier post to put the comment terry

dear jessica...this girl, tricia is a writer too and she had to say good bye to her husband two days before christmas as he left for heaven...could you look at her blog?
she, i think is only 33 years old and she has two little boys, tyler and tuck ....i hope you terry

Well, you know I liked it, since you will note that I've added it to the blogs I follow!

Terry, I don't envy Tricia's ability to write but when I started to read her blog I thought, THIS is how I want to write--tell deep things of the heart and spirit in simple words. Story-telling. Isn't that what Jesus did? I just felt her words were like snowflakes one can barely feel, full of truth and healing and beauty.
