Thursday, June 26, 2008

I asked for that one.

Ever in preparation for kindergarten, I have taught the boys to raise their hands to answer a question. Not that they have to be called on to respond, but their raised hand is the response. It's just a cute little daily thing we do.

For example, I might say, "Raise your hand if you want to go see Grandma today."

Two little hands shoot up.

Today, we were on a string of these back-and-forth questions and answers.

"Raise your hand if you want a drink!"

Hands up.

"Raise your hand if you love Elmo!"

Hands up.

"Raise your hand if you want to go downstairs!"

Hands up.

"Raise your hand if you like your brother!"

Hands up.

"Raise your hand if you love Mommy!"

No hands up. Instead, Tucker shouted, "No, Mommy! No!"

I asked for it. That's what I get for fishing for compliments from a two-year-old.

1 comment:

Alli said...

Are you serious?! That's kind of funny. You have to wonder what those little minds are thinking at moments like these.