Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Fellow Listmakers, Unite.

I am a listmaker, through and through.

I keep a notebook with me at all times, ever at my fingertips, so I can easily add to my list - or better yet, cross something off - at a moment's notice.

I have a daily list, of the things I hope my day will hold.

I have a blogging list, a floating Post-It that travels with me, where I jot down the happenings of the day that might be worth greater reflection.

I have a list of people - to call, to email, to send a note to, to pray for.

I have a grocery list, a WalMart list, a Costco list.

I have a List list.

I have lists that are tangible and lists that exist only in my mind. (Like the famous people with whom I would enjoy a friendship.)

I have been known to list tasks even after I've accomplished them, just for the sheer joy of crossing them off.

I have a Master List, of things I hope to someday accomplish. Maybe today, maybe next week, maybe when the boys are married.

I am a Lister.

My friend Sara, a fellow Lister, gave me this great quote:

"Lists are God's gift to me. While he does not always give me the answers to all
my questions, He allows me the ability to make lists for tasks to accomplish,
pros-cons, people to talk to, things to pray about or for, or records to keep in
the mean time.
And so, Lists are fantastic."
I love this. So beautiful, so true.
I may have to add these words to my list of favorite quotes about lists.


Anonymous said...

I'm with ya girl!!!

Alli said...

I could probably cut and paste this entry onto my blog--I won't--but I AM AN ANAL LIST-LOVER.

my3boys said...

This post made me go back and re-read Sarah J's blog about LMs and NLMs. I hadn't read your comment until now and I love the idea of bulleted subheadings like sort laundry, wash laundry... I LOVE THAT! More stuff to cross off! I may try that trick next week! :) Have a great weekend!

Tricia said...

You should DEFINITELY try the bulleted subheadings...

Instead of listing "Laundry,"
I list:

- Sort Laundry
- Wash Laundry
- Dry Laundry
- Fold Laundry
- Put Away Laundry
(and sometimes, I even list each person's name as I put their clothes away... I can be a little over the top.)

It multiples the productivity in a day... plus it's even more items to cross off.

I highly recommend it.